by Jean Trebek | Nov 15, 2020 | Charities, Featured, Social Issues
Why Jean & Alex Trebek decided to help Hope of the Valley and its mission to prevent, reduce and eliminate poverty, hunger and homelessness. A story full of faith, giving and compassionate action.
by Cheryl Farrell | Nov 11, 2020 | Guest Writers, Social Issues
The Homeless community in Los Angeles needs our attention and support to help those in need. Cheryl Farrell has some very good ways we can step up and help.
by Cheryl Farrell | Aug 9, 2020 | Guest Writers, Social Issues
Anti-racist policies and social justice efforts are an important part of brand #integrity. Does your company walk the talk?
by Lisa Rogers | Jun 24, 2020 | Expert Advice, Featured, Guest Writers, Social Issues
Lisa Rogers continues her popular series on Living a Plastic Free Life by tackling all those plastic bottles in our bathrooms.
by Lisa Rogers | May 17, 2020 | Expert Advice, Featured, Guest Writers, Social Issues
Lisa Rogers takes the steps to rid her home of plastic liquid soap bottles… and, boy, does it feel good!
by Lisa Rogers | Apr 22, 2020 | Expert Advice, Featured, Guest Writers, Social Issues
Our everyday hero, Lisa Rogers, takes the first step on living plastic free by getting rid of her single use plastic bags.
by Jean Trebek | Mar 31, 2020 | Everyday Hero, Featured, Social Issues
Lisa Rogers takes steps to help our planet by shrinking her plastic footprint and hopes our readers will take the journey with her. When’s a better time to clean out our drawers?
by insidewink | Mar 15, 2020 | Social Issues
You were so hoping this day would not come. But (sigh) it has, and you are in desperate need of the good stuff, or even the not so good stuff…
by insidewink | Feb 15, 2019 | Social Issues
Kindness, One Heart Opening to Another With the Random Act of Kindness week coming up, our dear friend Patti suggested that we “honor, celebrate and spread kindness”. She suggested we perform a random act of kindness and document it somehow. We all jumped on the idea!...