The Wide Awakening was founded in 2007 by JENNIFER HOUGH: Nutritionist, Certified Master Trainer with the EBC, Expert in the Science of Flow, Speaker and Author.


Alison: We love our theme.

Jean: Yeah, we love that theme song. We love it. What is it called?

Alison: Chipper chaps.

Jean: Chaps.

Alison: Which is us. Yeah.

Jean: That is true.

Alison: We are chipper chaps, and I love when it’s playing. And you do that moving…side to side Move. Right?

Jean: I also snap my fingers.

Alison: Yeah, you’re in it. Da da ba da ba da. Okay. Oh, wait, is this on? I got to put my automatic level control on. Okay, Excellent. Who are we talking to today?

Jean: We have the amazing Jennifer Hough.

Alison: And you know her as, like, a friend, right?

Jean: I do. I met her, I’m going to say, like over ten years ago. Wow. We met in Arkansas and I knew right away she was someone that was exceptionally fabulous.

Alison: Do you remember it? Was it like a retreat?

Jean: We went on a retreat. She was one of the guest speakers. And yeah, we were in Arkansas. We were digging for crystals.

Alison: I remember that You brought back crystals for us.

Jean: I did, Yes, I remember that retreat.

Alison: Oh, that’s great, right? Oh, that’s excellent. But you have you have a piece of paper you’re holding.

Jean: Yeah. Because I want to share with our listeners, this is what Jennifer wrote in one of her email blasts that she offers. Okay, she writes, “Sometimes we become myopic about life, focusing on problems with laser like precision. The other day, inspiration hit and I decided to go for a walk with the intention of reminding myself that the miraculous abounds. This is what life gave me back as evidence. Absolutely stunning. Just thought I’d share. What evidence have you had of the miraculous lately? What are you being vigilant for?”

Alison: I love that.

Jean: What are you being vigilant for? Because whatever you seek, you’ll find.

Alison: That’s right. Well, let’s listen to her and then we’ll come back and talk more. Great. You did a great job.

Alison: Okay, here we go.

Jean: Let’s jump in. Jennifer, I want to talk to you just quickly about what the word awakening means to you, because we’re hearing that more and more and I know the name of your company is Wide Awakening, but what does the word awakening really mean to you?

Jennifer: You know what’s really funny is lately I’ve been head first into definitions like, what does that mean? So for me, what Awakening means and to our body of work, is this idea that, you know, most people are running around surviving their life. They’ve got their blinders on. They’re sort of funneled in there… How do I make my next buck? How do I make sure that my rent is paid? How do I make sure my mortgage is paid? The kids, the this, the that? I mean, we’re we’ve been so busy in a lot of first world countries. Very, very busy. So for me, awakening means, somewhat like the movie…did you guys see the movie Tomorrowland?

Alison: Yes.

Jennifer: Yeah, I love– oh my gosh… I love that movie so much. So Tomorrowland is this movie… That’s there’s a part of it that I had a dream of once, I actually had a dream before the movie came out. And what I saw was, I saw these people poking their heads above, in this case clouds in the movie it’s a field, and they poke their heads up and they see each other as if they’ve been down in the forest up until that point. And then all of a sudden they see the reality of what’s really going on and how powerful they are and that they can make change, and that it’s possible to have fulfillment and meaning and do something that actually matters.

Jennifer: And in that movie, when I saw that, I bawled… I still bawl everytime I see it… it’s near the end of the frigging movie. I had to wait all that time. So anyways,for me, what awakening is, is that coming from the fog of survival mode where you’re go, go — do do, you’re living according to what society says you should, must and have to do in order to get by. But awakening is when you, when one, when I, when we, actually come above the fray and notice that above the clouds there’s actually sunshine and you start to understand your superpowers, you start to understand that you don’t have to go from survival and Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. You don’t have to go from survival and work your way up. You could actually go from survival, just to jump to this place where you understand that you can be this agent of of making a difference in the world, no matter what your financial, love life, anything status is. And when we realize we can be actualized no matter what, um, for me, that’s really awakening and it just takes a shift in operating systems. It doesn’t take 20 years of being in a cave with a guru. Yeah. So, yeah, to me, that’s what awakening is.

Alison: Yeah, that’s beautiful. I mean, I think what you’re saying is so interesting because I think people feel mired in and oppressed.

Jennifer:   Yeah.

Alison: And and that my eldest kid says, I think part of the problem in the world is that people don’t feel taken care of by each other.

Jennifer: Yeah,

Alison: I think you’re right that if we could just elevate the thought a little. So how would you, what do you say to someone that feels like, Oh, easy for you to say. I have a 9 to 5 job I don’t like. How do I pop my head up out of the field? How do I do that? Like, is there a step?

Jennifer: It’s a great question, Alison. I think it’s different. Every single person has a different approach to that, you know. So I think for different people, because of what they’ve been through in the past, um, there’s a bridge. So my mastery is around building bridges to have that experience, right? So for each person, um, they have a different past. Something happened to them from their father or their mother or in school or something hard, you know, is some experience they had at work or at school. And and so there are bridges that need to be built. And for me, it’s not like a one size fits all. It really is about building a bridge from where they’ve been and where they’ve been operating to try to stay safe. For me, like, there are three basic ways that people are doing that keep them in the mire of survival, that density. One is they’re trying to stay safe. And from a recurring illusion that the past is going to happen again. Right? So they put the past in the future and then they act like it might happen again. And then they’re vigilant for where that might happen again instead of actually being vigilant for thriving or being fulfilled. Their blinders are only to make sure that that thing, that thing or those things don’t happen again. The next thing is they’re trying to stay in control because whenever we have volatility, we’re like trying to stay in control so that that volatility doesn’t happen again. But what that takes you, us, all away from when we’re trying to prevent that volatility by staying in control… Which I don’t know about you, but I’ve never had that issue.

Jean: Oh, no.

Jennifer: Much?

Jean: Here’s my calendar.

Jennifer: Right, exactly.

Jennifer: No Control going here. (laughing) 

Jennifer: Exactly. So, so the funny thing is the laws of physics say that through every contrast that we’ve ever had, Life is actually responding equally and oppositely with opportunity and openings and blessings. I mean, that’s the way physics works. It’s not some woo woo concept. It’s actually a scientific concept. And so since that’s just a scientific fact. When we stay focused on everything that we need to protect against by staying in control , again, our vigilance our experiences to look for ways that things are going to go out of control. The problem is that takes our vigilance away for from those blessings and from the miracles and from what life is providing us based on the laws of physics, which is all of these things that get created every time we go through contrast. And the third thing that we do is it’s like protection. So then we don these personality traits. Again, don’t know what I’m talking about because I’ve never done this, (haha) but we don these personality traits, right? And for me, it might have been like being a know it all. Like I remember you know, in my 20s especially just brutal and then being fiercely independent… Which that’s like a disease in North America, it’s like this fierce that I could do it all myself.  Which is why I love that the two of you have this podcast. It just makes me happy. So  there’s this fierce independent, I call it independence disease, and it’s another way of manifesting that third, that third way of being and all of those ways of being, all of those ways of being are not very productive when it comes to being able to flourish, have a fulfilling life, or have meaning in your life, i.e. being in the process of awakening. Right?

Alison: Yeah. That just hit home.

Jennifer: Yeah. Well, we all do it, right?

Jean: So, so true. And so, Jennifer, in your book, “Unstuck”, you talk about the magic zone?

Jennifer: Mm hmm.

Jean: How do you describe the magic zone?

Jennifer: It’s the miracle zone, actually.  I just want you to know, it is also the magic zone. (laughing) It doesn’t really matter. They both start with M. So, so that zone is a place where if you can imagine everything…… Hmm. Let me use an analogy. So usually when I would go to the airport, it, you know, it’s like and I go to a lot of airports. I was in Albany this time that I remember. So and this is in the book, actually. Jean So I’m in Albany. I’m like about to get on a plane and I’m so frustrated because stuff isn’t working for me and I’m just having to work so hard and I’m hopping on a plane. And then what happens is I get this little voice while I’m riding in the cab and a little voice says, Listen, this is what we want you to do. And I’m like, First of all, who is we? But this is what we want you to do. Just give this a shot. No matter what happens, don’t judge it and be vigilant. Like actually put your radar on for the miraculous. And they said and this little feeling was no matter what. Okay, I’m game. Whatever. Okay, let’s do it. So get into the little tiny, teeny, tiny Albany airport and ( Oh, and my dog is visiting me because there’s a thunderstorm, )So we’re getting the little teeny, tiny Albany airport.

Speaker1: And what happens is the first thing that happens is, I notice that I’m in row 20 something, which A- is not good. Then I’m in the middle seat and I’m five foot ten, which B – is even worse. And I don’t know why I didn’t do my seats because I always do my seats and I’m going to Dallas, so it’s not a short flight, and I’m thinking, Oh my God, okay. And I notice myself judging and they’re like okay, nope, that the instruction was no judgment. So I didn’t say anything. I go up to the counter, This is after this really nice guy in a really expensive suit, just left the counter. And I go up and I say, Are there any first class seats? And she goes, No, that man over there just got the last one. And I look over at him and he’s there and I stick my tongue out at him and he, he laughs his butt off. Right? And then I go back and I go, Well, you know, I’m thinking in my head, so far this is going swimmingly, right? So then going on the plane on the left hand side, there’s this lady with an empty seat, first class who has a doggy on her on her lap. And I thought, oh my God, I love to fly with a dog on my lap. And then I notice at least I noticed that the whole rest of the plane was full.

Jennifer: So and I had a carry on. And while the flight attendant wasn’t looking, I put the bag up in first class and I went, okay, well, there’s that. That was good. So I go to sit down in my little freaking seat. There’s another good looking guy on my left. He’s on the window seat. And he’s, he’s just, you know, and all of a sudden, they’re they’re making the announcement and I make sure he’s sitting down, put all the stuff away, blah, blah. And the guy came comes back to my row and I thought he was going to come and talk to me. No, he talks to the good looking guy with the other suit. So the two suits are talking and the suit guy says to him, listen, we won’t be able to get done what we need to get done. So clearly, they are lawyers, right? And he looks at me and he goes, Oh, it’s you. And he said, Weren’t you the one that wanted a first class seat? And I said, Yeah. And he said, you know what? I can’t sit in my first class seat that I just got because I have to do work with this guy. So what I was intending to do is who’s ever sitting next to him can have my first class seat.

Jean: Love that.

Jennifer: Oh, no, no, no. It gets way better than that. So then I get up, he sits down and, you know, whatever, and I go and sit and I get the seat next to the lady with the dog, and the dog jumps on my lap and I fly with the dog the entire time for the first time I’ve ever had a dog on my lap on a flight. Not only that, but my expertise at the time was around migraines. The woman had the dog because her anxiety caused her to have migraines on the plane. I gave her my expertise and showed her how to not have migraines on the plane and showed her the laws of epigenetics and the laws of physics.  I got her doing the exercises and she thought it was a total miracle. She says, I’m going to a conference. This is the punch line. I’m going to a conference about migraines in Dallas, and they need another speaker. It’s $10,000. Do you want to speak at the conference? And I’m like, okay, this is under the category of you can’t make this stuff up. Right?  So I say this all because that’s what’s available. That’s the level of flow that’s available in people’s lives. And scientifically, like from that incident, it was probably the beginning of an evolution of all the work that we did, because I wanted to understand the science of how that happened, right? So for me, this is like but for myself, right, right. But then I realized, like, everyone could do it. Everyone could do what happened there. Like that could just be the way you are.

Speaker1: So the miracle zone is THAT…that’s the miracle zone, is like where the “or better” (I call them or betters) just kind of come to you, right? Like it’s you don’t know what you wanted until it actually comes.  It transcends the idea of intention and manifesting things like, like law of attraction because you are the attraction, so everything is coming to you. But when you let go of the idea that you have to be the one with the mental intention, understanding that your entire beingness is an intention, that beingness trumps the very confined, history based mental intention. So when you actually let go of needing to manifest what you envision and you just live in the land of vigilance for the Or better, you hear me use the word vigilance a lot because literally that’s how people live. They live looking out for what’s what’s going to hurt them,  what you need to be in control. Imagine that you could just actually Be vigilant in an entirely different way about your life and that that’s the way it starts to show up now. It takes some embodiment. It takes some practice. It takes some experience. I mean, we teach huge courses on it.  This is the thing, that’s the miracle zone.. That’s it. But those miracles really are destined to become our normals, right? Like like my my goal is to get the idea of miracles out of our head. That it’s not miraculous. It’s actually the way we’re supposed to live.  We’re just so indoctrinated.

Jean:  Right. It’s like that quote from Einstein. I think it’s Albert Einstein that says either everything’s a miracle or it’s not, right? So you’re just like living in that zone, that paradigm that you talk about, Right? I notice for myself, some days I’ll wake up and I’ll start a little on a low vibe. I’ll think, what’s wrong? what do I have to take care of, my mother? Whatever is on my mind and I quickly notice what I’m thinking of and I go… Nope, nope, change it, change it up. And then I’ll just say something simple like, Show me how great this day can be. Or, you know, I’ll just notice that I’ll be thinking of heavier problems, not huge problems, and then intentionally handing  it over and allowing…hmmm…God to operate through me more.

Jennifer: Yeah,  yes, yes.  So one of the things that is coming to mind right now in the conversation is one of the things I needed. Oh, geez. that was a that was thunder and lightning. Oh, wow. Oh, wow. Yeah, that was. Isn’t that crazy? Clearly, we’re on to something here.

Alison: Um, where do you live?

Jennifer: I live in the mountains of North Carolina.

Alison: Oh, wow. That’s great. We have relatives in Asheville, so I wonder if they’re…

Speaker1: I live in Asheville.

Alison: You do?

Jennifer: Yeah.

Alison: Think we’re going to Asheville in a couple of months?

Speaker1: Oh, my God. Come on over.

Alison: Don’t say it because I will.

Jennifer: No it’s happening. No, it’s done. It’s done. We’ll take you to our favorite restaurant. So it is done. So. So where were we? We were on. Yeah. So when all that stuff happens. Right, Right.

Jean: And then you wake up feeling heavy and kind of, Oh, I got to worry about that person.

Jennifer: So there are two approaches.  I’m very focused on the long term changing your entire way of operating, such that when you feel something that feels down or low or hard or yucky. Or maybe you feel a bit powerless about it. That the instant you go there (and when I say the instant, you know, maybe within a few minutes), your understanding of the law of physics has you be able to almost turn around to  (this is going to seem like pie in the sky)… But imagine that when, you know, my favorite words is embodiment, when you actually embody that operating system, you understand the laws of physics so deeply, that you understand the instant there’s contrast or a low feeling, there’s already solutions. A solutions and a, and a whole new day, you know, with with the resources of consciousness having orchestrated themselves to make the equal and opposite most expansive solution bridge and new reality available. So it’s already there in the field. You know, we’re only made of. We’re less than 1% physical, so we’re, we’re 99.39% not physical. So in that not physical universe, in the, in metaphysics in the field already exists, knowing the laws of physics, this  reality that, you know, we can’t see yet because we’re at a frequency that isn’t where those solutions are.

Jennifer: But imagine being able to automatically just be so adept at knowing that that already exists, that your need to analyze and focus on that which appears to be wrong (Not that you don’t do anything about it, you do do something about it,) but the energy with which you do something about it is with the already knowing that you’re on the path of building the bridge to the evolution of that situation. It takes a little bit of work to get there. So that’s the long term goal. The long term goal is a state of embodiment where literally none of that gets you, if you can imagine that None of that gets you. Imagine how much more quickly you get to that place where you just catch up, catch up to what’s waiting for you. If nothing took you out, imagine how much more quickly you’d come to the solutions, right? So, however, one of the tools, it’s a little thing seemingly, but it’s a big thing, is to start an evidence journal, an evidence journal. It’s not a gratitude journal. It’s an evidence journal. It’s an evidence journal.

Jennifer: Thank you, Natalie Ledwell. It’s an evidence journal for, how things have actually worked out. It could be not something that happened today. It could be you just remember something from ten years ago and was like, Oh yeah, I can’t believe I was looking for a car and then didn’t have any mone and all of a sudden my mom said, I’m giving up my car and she just gave it to me and you know what I mean? So and you start and every day you put like 5 or 6 things that are evidence of or betters happening, because the first thing the mind needs is, it needs to know that that’s the way everything can happen. But the ego has a little yakety yak fest to keep your attention away from collecting evidence about that, because otherwise it has nothing to protect you from. It has no job left, so all of these ways of being want to have life, including the ego, it doesn’t want to stop living. So if you started to just get excited every time something, you’re not even excited, just like having a knowing that that’s leading, that’s your next evolution. That contrasty thing launched your next evolution. Then, jeez, you know, like, yay.

Alison: I think it’s interesting that in the cab to the Albany airport, that little voice that you heard, the wee voice said not to judge.

Jennifer: Yeah, right.

Alison: And that’s, I think like for me becomes like, like a key thing… That if I, I think I used to be like, oh, this is good. This is bad. Yeah, this hurts, This doesn’t. This has got to be better. This really sucks. You know, I think that’s where I was always ping pong. And I think the minute, like you remember at the end of May with one of my kids, there was this uncertainty as to what was going to happen. And no one wanted one thing to happen. And I was talking to Jean and we just were like, let’s just put it down. Whatever happens, happens. Don’t make plans either way, let it go. And that’s so different than I live, but then it all it all worked out like

Jennifer: Of course it did

Jennifer: Right! Laws of physics,  that what you put your attention, I mean literally you’re going—  okay I want to show you something. Allison you just like nailed a certain concept that I love.  So we do  this program, we call it embodiment. It’s actually it’s so embodiment of thriving is different than surviving better. It’s certainly different than surviving. Okay. So what’s the distinction? I love this distinction. And I remember when I first got it because I was surviving better and I’m like, Nope, nope. Something else is available where like, there’s just a default flow and I don’t have to keep using tools. I don’t have to keep telling myself to let go. Right, Right. Okay. So watch. What’s a good subject where people can really survive? What’s a subject where people survive or you guys survive Sometime.

Do you mean like a job?

Speaker1: Any subject, any subject at all could be a job. Okay, so.

Speaker2: Bills.

Jennifer: Paying the bills. Great. So paying the bills. So survival is you always have just enough to pay the bills, right? That’s obvious. That’s survival. Okay. Surviving better is like you have a budget and you know you’re always going to have enough to pay the bills and maybe have a little bit more. So you can go to the movies and go out to dinner and maybe have a vacation once a year. Right. Okay. But those are both versions. I always think of them like a spiral. Like if you’re on the survival spiral, whether it’s survival or surviving better, if you’re on that spiral, if you’re surviving, you’re probably in the middle of the spiral. You’re not quite at the end yet. And so what happens is you feel a little bit better, but you’re still in the same operating system, right? Right. Nothing wrong with that. Don’t think there’s anything wrong. Like, yay for surviving better I say yay, Right? Right. However, imagine that the thriving operating system is on an entirely different spiral. Imagine that you jump spirals like that way of operating like there is so much like someone starts paying your bills for free or, or, or literally, um, uh, your state or your country decides that solar power is free for everyone. So now, based on your solar panels, you don’t have to pay anything for your for your for your electric bill. You know what I mean? Like you’re actually giving back, you know, or whatever

Jennifer: and the rebates pay for your entire solar power. So in the thriving operating system, those are your magnetics, your magnetic shift. The what you attract shifts, like what comes to you shifts, so that the conversation about trying to manage. So think about what you were sharing. Allison This idea of like, just let it go. Like just let it go. That is amazing. That is definitely thriving better like even that, you know, to let it go. Hello. Right. But imagine that in the thriving operating system over here, which it’s just it can be embodied by anyone, what happens is you don’t even need to remind yourself of letting go because it’s you understand, you’re left in your right brain. Have had such a deep conversation about the laws of physics that your entire physiology understands the way it works, that you really wouldn’t spend more than three minutes holding on to anything anyways. And the effort required to, even though it sounds like there’s not a lot of effort in letting go, imagine that your entire beingness state is one that lets go and you wouldn’t have to have the intellectual conversation to tell yourself to do it. You get what I’m saying, right? So it’s it’s like a spectrum on which we can live. That is such a fun game to play with oneself on all all subjects that matter to us.

Speaker1: Right? Could be paying bills, but it could be love, like it could be relationships or it could be like, we’re all over 40. Barely Right? It could be about like, literally aging. You know, there’s the survival version of aging, which is, you know, I got to make sure I can make it up the stairs when I’m 60, you know? Right. Then there is  the surviving better, which is you have lots of tools and you go to massage, you get chiropractic, which is all good. And I do all of that stuff. But, you know, and then there’s the thriving version of it is. I’m figuring out how to buy a hyperbaric chamber to get oxygen. You know what I mean? It’s like you kind of like J.Lo the thing, and you don’t have to have. You really don’t have to have tons of money. If I told you how I’m doing it, you’d be like, Oh, God, you don’t even have to have money to do that. And no, you don’t. But in the thriving operating system, you start to have like, you know, you start to realize all the epigenetic things that you could do that are absolutely free. That have you step out of,  step off that spiral such that, you know,… I just watched this great movie. I wish I could remember the name. It’s another movie. It’s a documentary. Um.

Alison:  it’ll come.

Jennifer: Yeah. Yeah, it’ll come. So anyways, but what happened in this movie is like, there’s this 68 year old guy, and he is Killing it and he’s doing pull ups. He’s ripped. And I thought to myself, we can all I mean, he’s not, he really isn’t special. He doesn’t have special DNA. Right. You know, it’s like that ballerina we’ve all seen on YouTube. Who? What is she, like, 90 something. Something?

Alison: Yeah. Yeah.

Jennifer:  Spectacular.

Jean: You know, when you speak, Jennifer, you’re just so ripping open the the glass ceiling. Yeah. And I’ve always loved that about you.

Jennifer: Oh, thanks.

Jean: Yeah. True. You cannot leave your presence without feeling a glow and invincible and beautiful and enlightened. You’re really amazing. Can you share with our listeners what you do in the morning?

Jennifer: Oh, yeah, sure. Um.

Jean: besides brushing your teeth? what do you do?

Jennifer:  So the first thing I do, and it depends on if the dog’s in bed or not. So if the dog’s in bed, I snuggle with them. Let’s even go before first thing in the morning. Let’s go to last thing before you go to bed. Okay. So whatever frequency you’re at before you go to bed is the frequency you’re going to wake up to in the morning. So now, even though while you’re sleeping, most of it is released just from the act of sleeping because your consciousness goes away. So you’re not in the world when you come back, it’s going to pick up where it left off. So before you go to bed, you know, you hear I mean, this is that’s when I do my evidence journal. It’s like the orbetters, just really collecting evidence. And if I can’t find anything because I had such a crappy day or perceptively crappy day, of course they’re all happening for us, not to us. I just look for another day. Where? Or I look for when I was little or I look for, you know, a great hike that I did a week ago or whatever it is. So it’s putting yourself in the place where the frequency that you leave is the frequency that you return to. So then in the morning, what I do because you know how it goes, you can wake up and

Jennifer: you know, I woke up the other day just, you know, a dear friend of mine just passed away, and I was like, Oh. You know that, like, I haven’t even seen him in a long time. You know, that that sucks, you know? And that’s where I woke up. And I thought, well, maybe I had a dream about him or he talked to me in my dreams or something. I don’t know. But when I woke up, I And the dog was beside me, I gave him a little snuggle. And then I thought to myself, okay. I acknowledge that I missed my friend Garth. And then I thought, okay. So what is it today? Who is it that I’m meeting? Where am I going and what am I doing? This is my favorite thing to do. So get on my cell phone and text my best friend slash general manager of the Wide Awakening, Jeannie, as if the day is already over. What I’m grateful for. Now that has happened and then what I write at the end of my.  So can I give you an example? Yeah.

Jennifer: I’m going to text you guys. Okay. So, dear Jean and Alison, I am so grateful that I’ve had a great conversation today on a podcast that I’m doing and that the conversation is like that. I feel really in love with who I’m talking to and that there’s like this great exchange. I am so grateful that my husband has moved through something that he’s been working on and that he can see possibility and, um. And that I’m really I can feel myself being proud of him. And I’m really grateful for oddly enough, I’m grateful that all of my plants got watered by the clouds today. And then I got some great exercise in that. My body feels really strong. And last thing that I got a surprise new client that I got someone that I wasn’t even expecting. And I just love having new clients that I’m not expecting. It’s just, like surprised and delighted, period. And then at the end of the text, I would write or better. Oh, and then I would say, Love you guys. Big hugs, Jen. That’s how I finished my text to Jeannie. So, yeah, so. And so what it is, is that most of my attention is on the orbiter because my day is already done energetically. This is at least my day.

Alison: Oh, yeah, Yeah.

Jennifer: Right.

Alison: And I think it’s so funny that you say your psyche picks up where you left because I always clean my house before I go to bed because I wake up to it. So why aren’t I cleaning my mind?

Jennifer: Oh, that’s a brilliant way of putting it. Exactly, Alison. Exactly. Exactly. Exactly true.

Alison: I never really made I never made that connection.

Jennifer: Though. Makes sense now, right?

Alison: Spotless.

Speaker1: Yeah. Yeah.

Alison: My consciousness.

Jennifer: Well, so what we like even right now, we have this whole online community. We have the whole community doing this exercise. I mean, it is what Jeannie and I have noticed since we’ve been doing it is ,  I have this sneaking suspicion like you two are going to do it with each other,   So anyways, what’s been happening in the community is just everyone is sharing how much more fluid everything is getting. It’s such a like, what does it take two minutes to type that? Nothing. It takes nothing. But imagine how Like I’m such a productivity and efficiency queen. I don’t know about you guys, but I have that in me. I don’t know if it’s my mom being a teacher or something, but efficiency and productivity are like huge for me, so. What that’s meant for me is that I’m looking to already activate my day such that the energy I’m living into I don’t have to be Consciously orchestrating my day… I’ve already talked to consciousness about the way my day is going, so it’s at least going to be that. So now I’m vigilant for the orbetters like we talked about at the beginning of the interview, right?

Alison: So can I just clarify something? So Jean and I, before we got on, we were talking about something coming up this weekend that I’m not sure is going to happen. Is it going to happen? Right. I try to work hard and manipulate it so it does or doesn’t happen. What can I safeguard? All the things you brought up early on? Yeah, the protection. The control, right. Yeah. Yeah. And so what you’re saying instead, you’re offering an opportunity for me to see it in a way where I can say to myself and the universe, Hey, this is working out. This is. This is the weekends.

Jennifer: Good. Allison, can I interrupt you?  Okay so this is embodiment 101. Okay, So. So watch.  What there is to do.. So I am not saying positive. That is not what we’re doing. That is like, kicking it old school. We’re not positive thinking! Okay. Okay. So what we are doing.  So just breathe for a second with me, because if you can really get this, it’s freaking life changing. And it’s such it’s a little thing. It’s like a teeny little hiccup thing that anyone can do. But it’s a good beginning. Okay, so watch, watch, watch. So imagine that in the laws of physics many different future trajectories exist. Our lives can go many different ways based on the current now, and there are certain trajectories that are more likely based on the history that you’ve lived. Also that history that you’ve lived has given you some notion of what’s possible and the future trajectories which actually exist in the 99.99% of all of existence,  they exist there in the field. What you ask yourself is what’s the best case scenario that my brain can line up with that already exists? The difference is we’re not imagining it and positive thinking it. We’re literally acknowledging that the imaginings that we’re having about the future potentials actually already exist, or you wouldn’t be able to imagine them. Right? Imagination about the future is you catching up with a future trajectory that is already in the field. You get it. So if you’re imagining something now, it’s your awareness of the way you’re saying it, like you’re saying it like a positive thinking affirmation kind of thing, or a vision board. And I’m saying, No, if you can come up with it, it already exists. So you’re actually activating something in the now that already exists metaphysically, and by you activating that, you’re actually giving energy to something that already exists, which is really powerful because you’re you’re giving more attention to what already exists in the field, that’s a future possibility. That’s so much better than what you’re worried about, right?

Alison: So like, it’s like when I look at a map, right, those roads exist. I’m not saying I wish I could fly over a map. Oh, wouldn’t that be … So it’s just me choosing the road. What exit am I getting off?

Jennifer: Well, but remember, at the end of your vision, you’re going to do or better, which means You can’t even attach to that road because there might be a twisty, windy, awesome road that’s so much more fun where you’re going to get out and feed the deer and you’re going to your heart’s going to be so full, it’s going to change your frequency. Then all these miracles happen when you get to the destination because you’ve done work on You get what I’m saying. Yeah.

Jean: So that’s the best part.

Alison: Exciting. It gave me goosebumps.

Jennifer: There you go. And so, but wait, but wait, there’s more. There’s this one little piece I want to add. So most people, what they do is they go, Oh my God, I’m totally going to do that. You know, I’m totally going to do it. It sounds like the best idea ever. I’m going to do it every time I have some big thing that I’m doing and I’m like, You could do it all the time. But, most people do it because they’re like, and this is going to fix my sucky life. Like it’s going to fix that sucky thing that I’m afraid of happening, or it’s going to fix that scary outcome that I’m trying to stay safe from or protect or control or all those things that I just talked about, right? And instead of trying to fix or protect our control, we’re not going to stay on the same spiral. We’re going to jump spirals over here. And because you can put your attention on whatever you want. So, I mean, you put your attention on all the crappy things that could happen and you try to fix it and and live your life or you take your attention and just put it on the future potentials and and live your life and but you’re not fixing this, you’re just leaping into a different way of being. And there are so many examples and exercises and experiences to take people on, to show them, you know, show us how we can embody that. But this is just a simple like just such a simple exercise. Just think that you’re just on a different spiral. This is what thriving. Means this is this is what people that thrive do. So I’m not trying to fix this. I’m just going to do what thriving people do. Right?

Jean: It’s a huge shift in. In thinking.

Jennifer: It is. And it takes practice. And that’s why you need your evidence journal because you’ll forget to do it pretty much all of the time. But then those few times where you remember to do it, you have your evidence journal and what did my, um, my marketing person said today? Um. You know,  if you’re doing it , (I mean, we do whole workshops called Embodyment about this.) but but if you’re just like, like you’re this is a long game. Put it this way. It’s the long game, right? Like  you’re, you’re either you’re just going to survive better the rest of your life or, Hey, let’s embody the long game, right? Yeah.

Alison: So very exciting.

Jean: You are.

Alison: so wonderful.

Alison: Very exciting person. It’s great!

Jean:  So, Jennifer, you offer so, so many really powerful, beautiful classes on your website, Right? And are you doing anything right now that you want the viewers to listen to or are you just kind of enjoying the summer or just go to the website and see what’s what?

Jennifer: Well, probably this stuff that we do three times a year, that’s the stuff… It’s funny when you say I’m an exciting person, truly, I’m like the shyest person alive, really. I mean, I was hugely shy.

Jean: Because we went on a retreat, you and I together. Yeah, Arkansas. And I would not put Shy as an adjective.

Jennifer: Isn’t it weird?

Jean:  Exciting. Empowering.

Jennifer: It’s so weird. Do you know what? You said something at the beginning of the interview. You said that something at the beginning of our conversation. That life is living us. God is dreaming us like we had, like we’re actually being lived by something. And when I started to know what I was being lived by, it’s as though, I just became bigger than the personality that wanted to protect and feel safe and all of those things. That’s what I would say. And so. And so yeah, I would say that. So it’s just that I absolutely love this. And so the, the evolution of this work is called the Embodiment workshop that we’re doing. We do it three times a year and there’s, always one coming up in a February and a June and in a September. And so the embodiment workshop is all about how to jump spirals on every subject. And to be a consummate expert, like just completely embodied that way in other words have your cells be at a place where living that way is just your default and it’s not even hard. So it’s just fun to teach. It’s yeah, that’s my, that’s the passion of my team right now and myself is just bringing people on the experiences to be able to poke their heads above the clouds, right? Like actually see that there’s another way of living. And even if all that happens is the door opens, you can’t go backwards after that. When you see the possibility, you can’t go backwards. So that’s what we’re teaching, Jean, that we weren’t teaching when you and I were hanging out. So. But that’s it. Yeah.

Alison: Thank you so much.

Jennifer: Yeah.

Jean: Great conversation. Jennifer, thank you for saying yes. And to Opening our eyes wider.

Alison: And our door.

Jean: And our door. And our body.

Speaker3: Thank you so much.

Jennifer: I can’t wait to be in your neck of the woods. I can give you both a big hug.

Alison: Oh, I would love that.

Jean: Love that. Yes.

Alison: And if I come to Asheville?

Jennifer: Oh, it’s happening, girl.

Jennifer: Thank you for having me. And thanks for putting all the good vibes out into the world, because I know that was your intention, to give people hope and that there was possibility. So just thanks for listening to The Call of Spirit and so happy to be here. Truly.

Alison: Have an or better day!

Jennifer: You too. Bye, guys. Bye, you guys.

Alison: I really enjoyed her.

Jean: Yeah,

Alison: I love her energy.

Jean: Her energy, her insight and what she’s giving us  is a whole new paradigm to really not feel like we’re just moving through life like it’s a minefield. And really, she uses the word embodiment, and she uses the word …uh.. it’s the phrase I should say, that she uses the phrase this or this or the better. Something better that… Right? And that’s that’s so important.

Alison: I love that morning call idea.  Where it’s already done. Like here’s here’s what my day is going to look like or better.

Speaker2: Right? This is or something better.

Alison: Yeah, I love that question.  What are you being vigilant about? What do you think you’re being vigilant about?

Jean: I do really try to look for acts of kindness. I do notice that and I make note of it. I notice I really try to be mindful of my thoughts, when I start thinking either fear thoughts or thoughts of lack, I do catch myself and I say, No, I do not want to create this right, Right. Turn it around.

Alison: And I think last night I was at Vons and I was on line and let this guy go ahead of me. And he was so flabbergasted that I let him go ahead. And we started talking. And the woman behind me and he goes, look at how simple this was. Kindness is so simple. Yeah. And I thought, that’s true, right? It’s easier to be kind than it is to be crabby, right?  It’s like so true. Well, I loved her. Thank you for contacting her. I loved her.

Jean: And she showed up big, right away. One of her other things she she loves to impress on people is going direct, like cut,  the BS and just deal with with with your experience. And don’t let it hold you back.

Alison: Right. Like a frog on a lily pad, Don’t sink.

Jean: Yes.

Alison: Keep going. Don’t sink. Keep hopping. Well, thanks for listening.

Jean: Have a great day. Bye bye.

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