Jessica Zweig is serial entrepreneur, bestselling author, women empowerer, and branding & business coach. She is the exited founder of SimplyBe. Agency, a person branding company that helped millions of people worldwide. Today she is welcoming herself to the world in a whole new way. Her newest book, “The Light Work: Reclaim your Feminine Power, Live Your Cosmic Truth, and Illuminate the World” will show you exactly how to turn on your inner light and never dim it again, with 80+ jornal prompts, spiritual practices, and rituals to help you unlock your true self.

Alison : Hello, Jean.

Jean: Good morning.

Alison : Good morning. Here we are with our, uh, with our little podcast. I love it.

Jean: I love it, too. You know, I was looking up when we spoke to Jessica last, and it’s pretty much a year. Exactly a year. Did you know that?

Alison : Yeah. But do you think we should say this? That we, that we screwed up?

Jean: Yeah.

Alison : You do?

Jean: I do.

Alison : Why?

Jean: To let people know we’re not perfect.

Alison : You don’t think they know that from our.. Okay. haha Should I keep this on too?

Jean:  Keep it going?

Alison : yes, Jean is revealing our our dirty laundry. Was it a year ago today, Jean?

Jean: Yes. I forgot to push the record button, and we had a great interview with Jessica Zweig, and, uh, I didn’t record it. And then we had to eat crow and ask Jessica if she would be interviewed again. And she said, you know what? Why don’t you wait till my next book comes out and I’d be happy to do it? And she was so gracious. And you know what? I look back and I think at that time, a year ago, she was already, uh, coming out of the closet with how much she is embracing us, being spiritual beings, having a human experience.

Alison : That’s exactly right. Because she talked about that at that other interview. And and now I’m so excited to talk to her because now she has a new book called The Light Work. And it’s kind of huge and amazing, you know?

Jean: Yeah, I mean, here’s the B title –  “Reclaim your Feminine power, Live your cosmic Truth and Illuminate the World.”

Alison : What else you got to? haha

Jean:  I mean, it’s that all she’s got ???? hahah

Alison : Right, right. I’m lucky if I take a shower, but we’ll not go down that path. Um. She is amazing, though. She is, um, one of the top ten entrepreneurs to follow, as quoted by the Chicago Tribune. She was CEO and founder of,  Simply B, which was an amazing company that she started. It’s a personal branding company. And then the book that we initially read and talked about was Simply Be was be a no bullshit guide to increasing your self-worth and net Worth by Simply Being Yourself, which was a great it’s a great book to read.

Jean: It truly is. And so now she’s a powerful spiritual teacher who has been described by, who has been described as the voice of her time by, Marianne Williamson.

Alison : Yeah, she’s no slouch. Come on, who are these people?  I love Marianne Williamson. Well, here, we’re going to talk to her again. We’re going to hit record this time.

Jean: We are indeed.

Alison : It’s going to be great.

Jean: Yes. I can’t wait to chat with her again. Yeah.

Alison : She’s great. Hope you enjoy it.

Jessica: Hi, haha…you guyes are so sweet. HI again. I heard that’s so sweet of you.

Jean: Hi again.

Alison : You’re so sweet. Thank you for talking to us.

Jessica: Of course.

Speaker4: You’re an angel and a lot more.

Jessica:  thank you.

Jessica: Did you guys read it?

Alison : Yeah, I read the whole thing. And I got to tell you…it’s huge. It’s a huge, big thing. Like, it’s a kind of amazing.

Jessica: Thank you. I’m going to cry. Thank you. This. This book is my I… I channeled this book from another place. I don’t even really know where it came from, but I feel that, I feel there’s an importance and an and an urgency to it. And, um, I really feel like I’ve never done anything so important in my life than write that book. And so thank you for that reflection, because it’s not out yet, and not a lot of people have read it. And I’m getting, you know, feedback from the hosts of these shows that I’m on. And it’s it’s been it’s been affirming, I’ll tell you that because it’s so vulnerable. This book, you know, and I’m like, I, I got my hard copy a few months ago and I started reading it and I started having heart palpitations because I’m like, I’m I can’t believe I’m sharing all of this with the world and not just my own personal stories, but my beliefs.

Alison : Yeah, yeah.

Jessica: It means a lot to hear you say that. So thank you.

Jean: Well um, I didn’t finish it. I got to about one 180, and I’m still, i’m a much slower reader because this book, I have to read it slow. I, I it’s like moving something and I know, uh, I don’t know, sometime after you talk about the, um, you give like a glossary of terms, which I so appreciate a little bit after that, I, I got emotional and I thought to myself, why am I, why am I crying? What’s going on? And, uh, something this book is an activating book. It really is. So it is triggering something in my subconscious, which is which is releasing because I just started crying. And, um, so I want to say thank you so much for taking the time to, to really write down your experience and offer so many great tools which which are so needed right now more than ever, because it is the feminine energy which is not a gender. We’ll talk about that which is so vitally needed on the planet. Yeah.

Alison : Yeah. So in this book, you took a trip to Egypt. Yeah. And it’s sort of it’s sort of it’s sort of like a tapestry of that sort of the background and where you place us in the context. And then what happens in the book to me is that there are touch moments and touch points that have you evolve and transport you. Yes. Could you describe a little bit because I really want people to read the, Light Work, but could you describe a little bit about your trip and what came up for you? Just a little.

Jessica: Yeah. Well, I think it’s important to explain where I was before that trip, because I was in the darkest depths of burnout and I call it Rage Against the Machine, called my life. In the months leading up to that trip, I was running a business. It was a huge hustle. I was just not at all in alignment. And yet I felt like I had to play this character and hold up this identity. And I love to travel. I’m a world traveler, and I go to try to check out a new country every year if I can. And and I had chosen Egypt, and I say in more ways it chose me. And I really had no idea what was going to happen to me there, And I say that I had I don’t say, I know, I mean, the whole book is founded upon this, uh, identity death. Uh, you know, you go into these temples in Egypt, it’s not a vacation. It’s a spiritual pilgrimage. And you’re up really early in the mornings. You’re you’re going inside of these sacred spaces that are ancient to not, like, 4 or 5000 years. Ancient like tens of thousands of years ancient that have living frequencies in their walls. And these these major things happen to you in these temples that sound crazy when you tell them back in America, like, that’s not real, that you had to be on drugs for that to be real. And so Egypt. Egypt was the ultimate remembrance of who I really am. And the role I’ve really come here to play. And I got so many messages from these goddesses and higher galactic beings that, like, come to you and speak through you and you see them, you feel them.

Jessica: Things happen to your your body that I am not just a steward of this message of light, that I am not just a leader of the feminine frequency. I am here to be a conduit for this message for all women on the planet. Not that I would reach all women on the planet, but maybe I’ll reach a lot of them. I know I will with this book. And this book was just a a channeling. It just came through me. And in three months I wrote this book. It literally took me three months to write the whole thing. I didn’t use a ghostwriter, like AI, I wrote every word of it. And Egypt was the biggest catalyst for my DNA activation in recalling my codes of how I’m connected. Yes, to the galactic, but what I’m really here to do in this Earth plane and, you know, through all the things that I do and I think this is why I’ve connected with so with you so beautifully, both of you, is to restore the planet that we’re on to more love, light, feminine energy, healing, oneness, harmony. And, uh, I had kind of been hooked into the lie that I had to kill myself for, for that to be true or for me to make an impact. And I really unhooked from that. And this book poured through me as a a message for all women everywhere.

Alison : And, you know, it’s so it’s first of all that’s so beautiful. And I have to say, it actually, I think, helps our audience to hear that someone quote, “like you”, could be in a place that wasn’t –wow, do you know? And that you went looking for something and went on this trip, and now you feel you’ve changed? Like I just got chills because your career and your outside, your physical appearance looks, you know,  like the, like the,  the goal. Right? And the fact that you had emotions and ideas and thoughts that, um, were  hard feelings I think is so helpful to hear because, I think we live in a society where it’s all like a face value thing, and you forget that people are people like have are struggling. Everyone’s got their bag of rocks to carry.

Jessica: Amen.

Jessica: It’s  so, so true. And you know, I wrote my first book about authenticity, and I felt very much in alignment with that identity, that girl that ran that agency and had the platform and the book and the podcast and the big team and the fancy office and the success and the accolades, like I, that that business came from my soul at the time. Mhm. But it’s important to note that before I launched that business, I had a lot of scarcity, like actual financial scarcity. I open up my first book with going broke and having to ask my parents to bail me out at 33. So when I started Simply Be, my company that I just actually sold, I was never really healed from that scarcity trauma. I had just kind of skated over it in my system and then started making all this money, and I got really hooked into success, not because I was looking for fame and fortune, but because I didn’t want to die again, like I was, i was hustling for my survival, and the world kept telling me I was winning and I just kept running. And I hope that with and thank you for that beautiful reflection and everything that you know that people see because I do present pretty, pretty normal. You know, I’m well packaged, I guess my, my publisher told me that, but I’m, um, I’m, I’m hoping that this story and and this book, you know, and especially if anyone has sort of followed it, my journey at all in the last few years, that you are allowed to change, you’re allowed to shed layers.

Jessica: You’re allowed if you keep running at a pace that isn’t innate to your system, and you’re hooked into a patriarchal lie, that in order to win as a woman, you have to play that game. You will hit a wall at some point. And it’s okay to die. It’s okay to be reborn. It’s okay to continually evolve and follow your truth and be who you are, and let people see and know the real you as you even define what the real you is. That that’s part of what we’ve come here to do, which is to evolve. And, you know, I, I feel like I’ve, I’ve written this book that is, you know, very spiritual, very, you know, talking about the Palladians talking about, you know, DNA and cellular memory and all of the things. But I have succeeded in this sort of 3D reality and those things, those gifts, the business, the branding, the marketing, all of that’s always going to be part of what I do and who I am, and have translated ideally like these rather esoteric ideas for anybody to read and understand… Like that was my goal to really make it tangible, um, to the masses so that people don’t, don’t think like, oh, that’s too woo and not for me, because I feel like this is the truth. Like, we all need to know this. Like we all need to understand this and recognize what’s happening here and the role we play, you know, so I really appreciate that feedback.

Jean: It’s so powerful. And it’s exactly where we are at in consciousness as a collective consciousness. What you’re stating here in this book, and you give so many, um, tools and visualizations and, and it’s such a beautiful guidebook. Um, and where I’m at in your book, what’s constantly going through my head? Two things. One is owning your worth.

Jessica: Mhm. Yeah.

Jean: Your inner worth. Yeah. And then and then you say in a myriad of different ways consciousness informs matter.

Jessica: Yes.

Jean: Your spirit comes first, and then the material world. And isn’t that so true? Like we’ve we’ve been taught that like the Bible says, you know, put God first or have no other idol before God, right? So that’s what and I don’t know the Bible that well at all. But your book really speaks to what that means and what that means in your in your life and how you applied that. Um, but I would so not not but but and, and I would like you to tell us what is Light mean because I think it’s really, really important for you to talk about the meaning of light and also, Jessica, feminine power.

Jean: Yeah,

Jean: So please put some meaning to towards those two words.

Jessica: So I obviously get this question a lot because I’m on I’m talking about this on a lot of podcasts. But um, I’ll start by answering this question with a little bit of context from the, the, the book. So when I first pitched the Light Work to a different publisher, uh, they told me that the word Light was problematic and that I couldn’t use it in my title. And it really.. You just shook your head. It was like confusing. I was like, why? And I sat with it. And then it dawned on me. And I write this in the book, that the Light is you. The Light is you, in your fully expressed completely magnificent, unapologetic full power. And that can be very threatening to people. Not because they’re afraid and intimidated by your Light, but they’re often unconscious of the their own Light, unexpressed within themselves. And the way that the Palladians define light is information. Information is a synonym for light. Light is information. It is the information of truth that is stored in the cells of your body. That is, the same cells and data that is made of making the stars. Because we’re all made of stardust. That’s actually science. And we are we are muted. We are dormant. We are asleep. We are afraid of that power. Just look around the the world like mass media and social media and sorry, but big pharma and big food that’s keeping us sick and and weak and and numb.

Jessica: We’re disassociated from that Light within us. And that creates a lot of dis ease and dis disassociation and darkness. Darkness isn’t evil. Darkness is simply the lack of information. Darkness turns into evil, turns into toxicity, turns into self-loathing, hatred, gossip. Hate. War. Because we’re disconnected from the truth. That we’re all we’re all connected. We’re all innately powerful. We’re all innately worthy. We’re all innately, innately needed. And when we are small, we we don’t intimidate people. We don’t disrupt the systems. And so to really live your Light means to live your authentic truth, To step forward with your full power and mission and what you’re here to do. And I believe that if we’re coming from truth, if we’re coming from love, we’re here to help make this world a better, more harmonic, peaceful place where everyone wins, where everyone thrives, not just a select few. And that is threatening to people whether they’re conscious of it or not. And I really studied light through the lens of the palladians. And they’re an extraterrestrial star family from which I am from. And they have they were the ones that spoke to me in the temple of Hathor and the goddess, uh, the goddess of Hathor in Egypt at Dendera. And they were the ones that told me to your question, Jean, the feminine power, this feminine energy, this feminine frequency that is coming down into the planet right now, that is actually returning because this whole planet is a feminine being.

Jessica: We’re on Mother Earth, and we’ve been co-opted by not saying the masculine is bad the toxic, patriarchal, overvalued, dominant, masculine that is disempowered the feminine, not gender, but values. And the Light is this seat of consciousness that lives within all of us, that is here to truly be empowered, sovereign and free. And that not not everybody who’s got, you know, some control remote controls at the top want want human beings to know that they’re sovereign, powerful and free. And and so that is, uh, I think one of my biggest commitments when it comes to my work is, is the feminine is really bringing women home to this sense of their responsibility as feminine bodies on this planet to, at least because we’re in feminine bodies… Again, this isn’t about gender, but to lead a new earth and to create a place that is a world of society, a community of family, a company, a culture, a team that is more, more loving. And I really believe that’s in all of us to do. It’s our responsibility. So that’s what Light is to me. Um, and I ended up going with a different publisher, clearly that loved my title.

Alison : That’s right. Thank you. There’s the door.

Jessica: Yes, exactly.

Alison : Follow the light…Goodbye.

Jessica: You’re not my people.

Alison : Exactly, exactly. You know, it’s interesting because, um. it’s a very big book in terms of the thoughts and the ideas, and it’s a lot of downloading information, at least for me. And yet, I like the way you make it be that I can find things that I can do and questions that I can ask myself. I don’t have to run out and form another PEEDA. I don’t have to go..

Jean:  to Egypt!

Jessica: Right? No,

Alison : I can be here and, you know, in California and I love that. Where did you get, at the end of every chapter you give these invitation and keys….and those are beautiful. How did you come up with all? Because it’s the invitation or questions and the key is sort of meditation or something that really is thought provoking. How did you come up with these?

Jessica: So I love that you asked this question. I love those invitations and keys so much. I there’s such a beautiful, intentional part of the book. I wanted the book to be tangible to, you know, to what you just said. I don’t want you to read it and feel like I got to go to Egypt now. No, I want you to know that you hold the tools right there in your hand by holding my book. And so actionability and implementation is an execution. Like that’s the businesswoman in me. It’s important to me like it doesn’t do you any service to just be inspired and then go off back to your life. Like, I wanted to provide the reader with tools. So I knew at the end of every chapter I was going to provide some some worksheets. Um, and then as, as the book evolved, so did what those tools would be. And I really loved the word invitation. You know, this isn’t a command. This isn’t an, you know, an even a request or an assignment. It’s an invitation. Like, you get to choose to step through your own portal of darkness and light to do this work, to find something new, to turn on the light switch.

Jessica: And back to your question about what is Light? If you notice at the end of every journaling section of every invitation set, the last question is what new information do you now have that you’ve journaled on these? And I didn’t just want to stop with the the journal prompts and having the reader kind of be with them, the these thoughts in their own mind. I wanted them to move it to to experience something, and I have a key tattooed on my heart. Um, the key represents to me the priestess’s key. So when I learned about that archetype many years ago, my teacher taught me a lot about her. But what I took away is that,  one of her elements is still water. Not just water, but still water… Where you can see your own reflection. Where you working with the priestess isn’t there to worship her, but to worship yourself, to see the divinity within yourself. And she’s called the keeper of the keys because she’s here to help you unlock that. And so the key is very significant. There’s a key on the cover of the book, and so I wanted it to be an internal, externalized experience with every chapter because I feel we, you know, to to your point around consciousness informs matter. Thought is, thought creates – we’re we’re living in physical vessels that are our temples, and we store things in our bodies. We store trauma, we store our emotions. We we store stagnant energy. And it it needs to move. And so the invitation paired with the key just felt very complete, so that they there could be real alchemy at the end of every chapter and that it didn’t just stay in one’s head. So thank you so much for asking about those. Those are one of my favorite parts of the whole book.

Alison : I looked forward, I looked forward to them all. You know, every single one. I was like, oh, what’s this? What’s this one going to be, you know, and oh, this is so exciting. You know, just just opening it up. What women in your life do you admire? Yeah. It doesn’t have to be like Oprah. right…I mean, I admire Oprah, but like, you talk about your mom or Pat, you know… .

Jessica: oh yes… Pat.

Jean: I think your I think your prompts are, are are so unique.

Jessica: Thank you.

Speaker1: and wonderful, because I have done I have been on this journey for a long time. And I did think to myself, Jessica, wow, this book is moving you. And um, I probably have 18 years on you and I’m like, huh? There is still more to shed and to embrace and, um, and I love that…

Jessica:  thank you so much.

Jean: It’s so beautiful. So another thing that I love about your book is you are empowering women financially and you speak about that. Can you can you tell our listeners? That money is not a taboo. You are really championing women to get financially strong.

Jessica: Yes, yes.

Jean: Why is that?

Jessica: Well, abundance is our birthright.  I also, I say this often. This is really the ethos of my podcast and so much of my work and all the coaching that I do, but I, I believe that when women have money, women have power. Those two things are conjoined in this reality. And when women have both, I believe this world is going to be a better place. If you imagine, you know, all of the corporations and all the countries and all the institutions and all the, you know, all the industries I’ve mentioned, like if they were run by women, the whole world was run by women. It would just be a different world. Would it be a perfect world? No, but it would be a different world. And I did a lot of research in my book, specifically around the matriarchy. Really goddess cultures. What, what what the world looked like before we could just simply write stuff down. And 4000 years ago, at the dawn of the patriarchy and this world was run by women, this is what I learned. It was a it was a matriarchal society that honored all living things. Women were at the top of the tribes. They could read the seasons and would tell the men when to go hunt based on how the leaves were turning. I mean, it was mind blowing. And so I feel very called to, you know, restore this planet from from many levels.

Jessica: But we’re here in 2024. Women are rising. Entrepreneurship is exploding. Women are making more money than they once did. Not as much. We still make $0.80 to the dollar, but it’s better than $0.60 to the dollar like it was in the 80s. But women are going off and starting their own companies and making their own money, which is beautiful. And I just really want to teach women. I have a whole chapter in the book around power and innate worth that you were born worthy, that you don’t have to prove you’re worthy of nothing, to prove you were born perfectly gifted and needed, but to channel our desires for money from this place of, yes, innate worthiness, but most of all innate safety that we we can hold money, that we are able to make it and hold it, and that we aren’t going to die. You know, we’re programmed from our parents, parents, parents, parents, parents, parents like to live in the sense of survival, and that just keeps women so sick. It keeps our nervous system so fried. It keeps our light so dim. And so to empower ourselves to live financially free is so much more than just being able to buy nice shoes. It’s like… we’re healing the earth by being women who are in abundance. You know, we’re healing the the planet. We’re healing every single person we touch because we we will do good with our money, and we take our gifts as women and channel them, I think, in a in a different way. And to have an overflow is, is how we’re meant to live. And I want women to learn how to do that. And, and I walk, you know, in the book I have these eight divine feminine embodiments of wealth, where I really kind of unpack this whole concept of manifestation and which is such a hot topic today. And I see it and I, I follow a lot of these, you know, teachers, some of them are men, some of them are women. And I, I’m here for it and I get it and it’s it, it has its place, but a lot of it is psychological. It’s like, you know, affirmations and visualizations and expansion and vision boards and thought, you know, thinking states and that’s beautiful. That’s the content, however, not the context that we are actually programmed in our bodies to not feel safe to hold and receive money in the first place. And that’s what we have to really look at and rewire our systems to know that we are deserving to learn how to receive in the first place. I have a you know, section about how women can’t even receive compliments. We’re like so quick to deflect. And so I, I feel that back to that, when women have money, when they have power, and when we have both, this world is going to be better. And, you know, at least those are the women that I ride with. And I want more women to ride with me and and to really live in this state of abundance, true abundance.

Alison : Well, I think we’re on your bus..

Jessica: Yeah, I know you are. I’m on your bus riding with you.

Alison : Um, you know, we were just talking about that about about, um, feeling like we are worthy of being honored.

Jessica: Yes.

Alison : Yes. Just discussing that before.

Jean: And and that’s why I think also this is coming again for me, that worthiness, you know, and that’s why, you know, this book made me cry. It cracked, I don’t know. And I was like, why? Okay, Jean, why are you crying? What’s coming up? And I couldn’t put my finger on it all i know it was just reading your book, so I will… That’s why for me, this book is … I have to go back to a little, um, because, you know, we wanted to read this book because we knew we got the privilege of interviewing you, but I got, like, I can’t go faster.

Jessica: Um, but it’s okay…I get it, it’s a deep book, you know?

Jessica: And I, um, I had a friend read it. She read the whole thing, and she said that she would go to bed after reading it, and she felt like her subconscious mind was being rewired. Yeah. And she was having, like, these wild dreams where she was, like, healing things in her dreams and would wake up with new information from reading my book. And I was like, amazing. Thank you for sharing that. I just I think the book, it’s a personal book and I think it’s going to be read in a personal way based on who’s reading it.

Alison : Could you just you talk about in your book, but I just wanted to bring it up because I think it’s so powerful. Mission versus purpose.

Jessica: Yeah, yeah.

Alison : So I think women women need to hear what your thoughts are on this. I thought they were very interesting.

Jessica: Thank you.

Jessica: So we’ve all heard, like, follow your purpose. Like find your purpose. And I, I sat with that and I was like, what if you don’t find it? Like what happens. Like if you don’t align your life time and you know, identity to something external like that, you do are known for what? Um,  what then and what really inspired that from Egypt. Back to, you know, a story I mentioned in the book, we get to Karnak, which is one of the most significant temples in all of Egypt. It’s in Luxor, and we get, um, close to the parking lot, and our guide comes on the microphone. And every temple sort of has a different message, intention, opportunity to experience that specific medicine of that temple. And my guides tell us all, Karnak is known to be the Temple of Purpose, and some say that people traverse these walls and walk out finding their purpose. And I thought to myself, I mean, this is this is a true story. I was sitting in the back of the bus and I was like, purpose -shmerpurpose. Like I, I know my purpose. Look at my life. You know, like I’ve done enough to know that I’m on purpose. I not going to find anything new at this temple. And I walked around it by myself for a few hours. We got a lot of time at these temples, and, um, I was in this random, obscure structure. I forget the name of it, but I was in this dark room, and this, like, white stream of light was pouring kind of through a crack in the ceiling. And I sort of stood underneath it and I felt something alchemize. I mean, these temples, like I said, they just they move you in ways that are really hard to describe.

Jessica: And I step out of the temple because we had to get back to the bus. And I literally I’m walking out and this tiny white feather floats in front of my face and I like, put my hand out and it lands in my hand. And my friend Laura, who’s like six foot tall, like, is standing next to me looking down. She’s like, did that just happen? Like, because and feathers are my sign. Feathers are my totem. And it’s in that moment I really heard the universe kind of laugh at me. Like you have been living so heavy, living this, doing your purpose. You’ve been killing yourself to build the business and have the book and the podcast and all the things that are so on purpose. So how is that? How is that living, living in your light? If it if this purpose that you’ve created doesn’t sucks you dry. Um. And I got this idea and this like, this notion of, like, what is my true reason for being here? And it my desire is to live as light as a feather, to feel that light, that free and still be powerful. And how can I do that for myself and teach women how to do that, too? Because I know I’m not the only one that’s suffering in this experience. And the Palladians talk a lot about mission. You know, they use the word renegade, they use the word light warrior, and that we’re not here to just build a business or write a book, or launch a beautiful conference, or have this beautiful career on our resume that extends, like in an upward ascension. We’re here to live out a much deeper reason to create a deeper ripple effect in humanity.

Jessica: And that’s your mission, like. And however you express that. But it’s bigger than what you get paid for. And if you can connect what you get paid for to your mission, like, all the better. And I walk the reader through a framework called your creation, which is typically your expression of your career, what you do professionally, your greatest creation, your most amazing accomplishments, your calling, what you would do if you didn’t get paid for it, and your cause. Why are you really here? What is the legacy you’re going to leave behind? What is the pebble in the pond ripple effect that you are going to make? And when we combine those things together, we find our mission, right?

Jean: that’s beautiful.

Alison : It’s really amazing. And I think women need to hear that, I really do.

Jessica: Thank you. I do too.

Jean: When you look at the word enlightenment, that’s that’s exactly what you’re talking about. You know, living from the light within, how it expresses outwardly with joy and you talk about that, too. The power of joy, how vital that is. And it is we’re constantly doing, doing schedule– for the feminine energy, that’s like putting a blanket on her.

Jessica: It is. Yeah, exactly, exactly.

Jean: Well, I just think that that we’ve been so layered and programmed that it’s hard to get out of that cycle. But like you said, if doing the work– the book it will slowly melt away that layering and you have to do it like try it or deny it. So —-

Jessica: Yeah.

Jessica: No I, I so appreciate you bringing that into the conversation because in the comment about the blanket like when like that is where the, the feminine rises. And not to say that the feminine doesn’t have shades. You know, I talk about the dark, feminine and sacred rage and just feeling all of our emotions and what a powerful vehicle our emotions are to ascend and to alchemize and transmute. But, when I was in Egypt again, I was in Hathor’s temple. Um, I love for your listeners to read the book, but there is a pretty significant story of what happened to me in that temple. And I got, you know, a lot of downloads, like actual downloads, like spirit, like like chorus of voices speaking to me, through me, through my crown chakra for multiple minutes. And I walked out of that temple.

Jessica: And frankly, got out my iPhone and wrote it all down because I didn’t want to forget any of it And not what I wrote down in my iPhone went into the book like it’s I heard. And, um, one of the things that they told me was like, Jess, you’ve missed you’ve missed the memo girl. Like this, this human experience is meant to be fun. Yeah. This human experience is meant for your pleasure and for your bliss. And we we think that that’s, um, indulgent or something. Or that we have to earn and earn that. And they, they said to me, I, I got these flashes of, like, my puppies and chocolate and I was wearing this really beautiful, like, flowy outfit. And I was I saw my husband, who’s hot, and they were like, you get to have sex with him and you get to kiss those dogs, and you get to wear those cute clothes, and you get to eat that chocolate. Like, every like what a gift it is to be in a human body. And you, you, you take for granted all of it. Like every minute of it. You don’t even realize what a blessing it is to be alive and in this body called you on this plane. And if you don’t enjoy it for us, will you please, if you don’t enjoy it for you? They said this–

Jessica: They’re like, Will you please enjoy it for us? Because we can’t be down there, but you’re missing it and we want you to enjoy it for us. If you’re not going to enjoy it for for yourself. And I just I committed to joy as a radical act. After that trip, I made it my word for the year. I made it my biggest intention, a core value in my life. And whether you’re a man or you’re a woman. Like when we choose joy because joy is a choice. Happiness is a fleeting emotion. Joy is different. Joy is a commitment. Joy is a devotional act. We get into a different frequency state. We actually get our our bodies back into a state of alignment. We’re in our heart space, and when we’re in alignment, we we literally vibrate differently. We become more magnetic. We attract more of what we want. We open up doors of opportunity. Serendipity starts to take place. It’s not like woo woo like, sounds good stuff. It’s it’s real. It’s real. And that was one of the biggest headlines from my whole trip to Egypt, which is a core throughline in the book, is like joy, like joy is the way. And, you know, is it perfect every day? No, but it it’s it’s a commitment for sure that I make.

Alison : Is the Commitment to seeing, um, or being aware in a, in a, in a state of gratitude. Is that a way to attain joy? Like how? Like daily away from Egypt?

Jessica: Yeah, yeah.

Alison : Looking for a parking space and you’re shopping for food and your dog is sick and…

Jessica: Yeah.

Alison : You know. Yeah. Where, how do you, how can you tap into that?

Jessica: Well, life will life and things will happen. And you’re not going to feel joyful every day, but I do I do have some very consistent practices. And for me, joy is so simple. You know, I find joy in simple things. Gratitude is absolutely one of them. I do this almost every day with my husband. I’m like, what are three things you’re grateful for? Let’s start with that. Let’s end with that. Let’s go to dinner and talk about what we’re grateful for. I feel like that is such medicine because we do take so much for granted. We live such, you know, beautiful lives. Just by, I’m sure people listening to this podcast, I think I read, I wrote, I wrote about this in my book. Less than over half the world’s population lives on like less than $5 a day, right? I mean, it’s crazy. So, yes, gratitude. Gratitude all the time. I really have connected with Mother Earth, taking walks like nature walks I picked up art supplies from a local art store and I draw like brings me into my heart space, child like play and joy. I have to spend time at my altar every single morning just to drop in and communicate and ask for protection, or call them in. That is 100% a non-negotiable for me. I love to travel. I still take trips and and break away from work. I’m very blessed right now if I’m going to be, you know, honest. And it’s taken me a minute to get here. Not that I didn’t love what I was doing at my agency. It was always just a little adjacent to what I really wanted to be doing and now what I’m doing is I’m empowering women every day.

Jessica: And yes my schedule is full, but man do I enjoy it. I am so grateful to do this work and to see other women remember who they are and come alive and give them the tools. It’s just that brings me joy. So I’m blessed to have dedicated my career now to the thing I was put here to do. And, you know, just I love to ecstatic dance. I go, I do like conscious sober dance parties on the week, like Like anything that brings me joy. Like I have a Stanley___ like this brings me joy. Like, honestly— it’s like, it’s like.. I don’t go anywhere without it.  It’s kind of a problem.

Jessica: I like, try to live in that vibration. I just, I just do, you know. Is it everyday perfect? No, I, I’m human. I have I’ve had plenty of ups and downs, especially in the last year. We moved, launched a book, sold my business like life is amazing, but it’s a lot. And, um, that’s what I’m saying. It’s a devotion. Like it’s a daily devotion to joy in the simplest and the most extreme forms, and it changes our energy when we’re in a state of joy when we commit to that.

Jean: And that’s the key to everything…. Is changing your energy, your vibe, your attitude.  Like you said, be a magnet and be able to receive more.

Jessica: Yeah.

Alison : I love that you’re not saying things like Lamborghini or do you know what I mean? Like you’re saying very, things that are very accessible to everybody, everywhere, which I think is very important.

Jessica: Yea..

Alison : You seem very relaxed. How has life been after Egypt for you? I mean, I’m sure the book is ah, like how, how how are you, how are you?

Jessica: I’m good. I mean, I’m in the middle of a book launch right now, which is like a business on top of a business. So I’m very full, but I’m talking about my book, you know, and it’s nothing, nothing is bringing me more joy than than lately. But, um, thank you for that reflection. I, I, I say I died in Egypt like, I had a full on death in that temple of Hathor that I write about in the book. And, um, I came home new and I that’s the opening section of the book. I am new and I something happened to me there where, you know, DNA, I think shifted. And I’ve really committed to slowness. I’ve committed to softness. I have been very committed to my nervous system healing. I have started, I changed my diet. I drink more minerals. I ground every day. I have better boundaries.  I moved cities, I’m no longer in Chicago or it’s go go go. I’m in Nashville. Um, yeah. Which is, you know, perfect for me. And, um, my husband and I live in a very naturist area. I, I get out regularly. I have to walk almost every day, I hug trees.

Jessica: I’m not joking. Like, I go sit in parks and commune with trees on a regular basis. I just really, um, I guess what I really want to communicate is I was not in not in my body like I was authentic, but I wasn’t, as in not embodied. Although that’s parallel but literally comfortable being in my body because I had so much stress and anxiety and I was constantly leaving my body. And I’ve made it a practice to not leave, and it has softened me. Yeah. Um, and I it’s it’s healed me. And I see, you know, a lot of women, I just, I did a podcast, um, a couple months ago on my own show called Why Entrepreneur? Why high performing women have been duped. Um, to think that when we achieve all the things that we’re somewhat successful and powerful and how it’s just run us so ragged. Yeah. To get there. And we’ve just lost our way of what it really is like to be in a feminine body and how we should treat it. And I try and practice what I preach and, um, just move a lot slower these days. Yeah, just as much as I can in a book launch.

Alison : Slow is wonderful.

Jean: It is. And you’re just pointing people into the most beautiful direction.

Jessica: Thank you.

Jean: (caughing)Excuse me. And that’s to your heart and to your worth.

Jessica: Thank you.

Jean: Life and your light.

Jessica: I love you, ladies.

Alison : You really are so amazing. And we just were so looking forward to talking to you. And when I finished this, I have to say, I read that whole thing and I read that I read all your resources and I went, I’m great. I’m a great.

Jean:  You are!

Jessica: You are.

Alison : I’m all– I’m doing good. Like I, I’m cooking and that’s what this that’s what I just got chills again. That’s what this made me feel. So thank you so so much and huge joyful blessings to you and to your husband and your dogs.

Jean: And thank you so much for coming back on.

Alison : yes, you’re so kind.

Jean: You are. You’re such a generous, gorgeous spirit. Jessica. And we will be yelping you and championing you and whatever your.. And just know we’re in your corner. And we will do our part to hold our joy, as a mission of, we got this.

Jessica: We do got this.. We’re in this together. You ladies are light workers. You’re light workers. And I met you before I even wrote this book. And I knew we were cut from the same star seeds. And you just, it’s a joy to be in your energy. And I’m so blessed to know you both. And to have you in my corner. And to know that I’m in yours and that to be seen, you know, is like one of the most deepest human yearnings of them all. And just I really feel like, um, I’m getting a little emotional. You see me, and it’s been a very just been a gift to know you. So, of course, I was coming back. I was looking forward to this as much as you were, I really was. I love I’m like, yay, I get to be with them again.  I was not going to pass this up.

Alison : You’re fantastic. And let’s stay in touch. And that’s it. I just wanted to say you’re just- everyone should read the Light Work. I really believe that. Yeah, I think it’s a…

Jean: I think that’s going to be my Amazon review.

Alison : Oh yeah. Yeah okay. We got it.

Jessica: Amazing. Ladies, I’m just so grateful for your time and your energy and your presence and your words. I’m just really, truly today was it was the highlight of my week. Thank you for having me.

Jean: Same. We love you.

Alison : Have a beautiful day.

Jessica: You too.

Jean: Bye Well, I think she hit it out of the park.

Alison : Yep! That’s all.. Have a nice day.

Jean: Yeah. That’s it.

Alison : Yeah. That’s it. I mean, uh, she’s so, uh, calm now and very together. And I felt very, very vulnerable at the same time and very open. And I felt, I feel like with her, like she really wants the best. I’m sorry. My thing is going off. She really wants the best for everyone. She wants– you really get that sense that it’s not about writing the best book. It really is about helping us and helping everyone, including herself, to achieve the sort of awareness that can move us to feel really good about ourselves and to accomplish really wonderful things, big and small.

Jean: Right? Well said. Uh, it goes back to that phrase, you know, we teach what we need to learn, or how about we teach what we need to remember. And her book is all about remembering that we are Light, we are Love. And you know when the outer world gets so loud and we get very distracted. And we’re living in the, the always the intellect, you know, we’re losing our spark. We’re losing our light. And she gives so many great examples how to dial it back. And I’m so grateful for this beautiful book.

Alison : Yes, and I really am going to I’m really going to go through it again now that I read it, just for the interview sake. You know, I really want to go back and really delve into those invitations and keys.

Jean: Because she had some great questions, and I and I kept thinking to just get through, get through the book. And but I was like, I’m just going to be with that question for a little bit.

Alison : And I love that she says, do it in a community. If you have a community of women, yes, that you really would love to experience something different with, get together, read the book, do the keys, do the invitation. And I think that only I think, I think people, when they come together in a community, the power that you can generate is infinite.

Jean: That might be a book for our next book club.

Alison : Yes, exactly. Yeah, I think it would be great.

Jean: Right. Well, Jessica, you’ve given us a beautiful legacy of love, and we’re so grateful. And thank you, thank you, thank you.

Alison : Thank you, thank you, and thank you Jeannie…

Jean: Thank you, sweet Allison.

Alison : Have a great day.

Jean: Bye bye.


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