For our artist of the month we are taking a little different spin… and we are talking to a female body-builder, Rosa Sementelli.
Rosa’s medium? Heavy weights that she uses to sculpt her body into a physique that is absolutely stellar. Rosa Sementelli personifies self motivation, self reliance, inspiration and joy!
We were introduced to Rosa thru Maggie Goodner (read our interview with Maggie here). We love how Rosa not only strengthens her clients’ bodies, she also provides inspiration and nutritional support that go hand in hand with their overall health and well being.
It’s a really joy for us to share Rosa with our readers and even if you’re not able to work out with her in person, Rosa provides support via instagram @fitrainer, Facebook – Rosa Sementelli, and her website –… and, while you’re there, take a look at Rosa’s photos when she placed 3rd in her divisions (Masters over 45 and Masters over 50) in the 2022 National Physique Committee and NPC Worldwide Bodybuilding Competition- Way to go, Rosa!!!
At age 55, Rosa Sementelli is just getting started!
What started you in the field of body building/fitness training?
My father was a bodybuilder. I grew up watching him train and I used to tell him that I loved that sport and that I, too, want to be a bodybuilder when I grow up. I watched him lift weights and transform his body… I found it so fascinating. I also grew up playing sports…I was always active.
At age 13 my family and I moved from El Salvador to Boston; it was a difficult culture and language, my parents worked a lot and I took care of my little brother and sister. I was only able to take a ballet class once a week, so by the time I graduated from High School, I had gained weight due to non activity and a steroid medication that my doctor had given me for allergies. The day after my prom, I joined a gym near my house and went everyday.
In 3 months, I had lost all the weight and became an aerobics instructor at the gym and a personal trainer… at that moment, I knew I wanted to do this as my career….help others change their bodies and get them into shape. My goal then was to enter a bodybuilding competition in 1989.. I won 1st place in a best body contest and from that moment on, I have never stopped competing.
Who gave you support early on?
To be honest I had no support from anyone. I did it all on my own… my parents were busy working, so I took the initiative to go for it and make it work and workout like crazy to start competing all over the US.
What’s your motto or words to live by?
Never say, “I can’t do it, I am too old, I can’t commit to anything.” What I say to clients is, “God gave us one body and we need to care for our bodies like a temple… keep it strong, flexible & healthy. The human body is capable of changes if you care for it.
What was the best piece of advice given you?
I always like to take good advice. Once I had the pleasure to meet Larry Bird from the NBA-Boston Celtics. During one of his basketball practices, I had told him that I was heading to Venice, California for a competition. He said to me, “Well, always remember that there’s always someone at the gym training harder then you right now, so don’t forget to practice… practice hard, and you will achieve your goals.”
Who or what inspires you..or what motivates you?
My daughters always give me inspiration. I want to be a role model for them and teach them that by being active in sports they will be strong in life.
My motivation is me! I want to be an example to women over 50.. that we can do it… we can change our bodies, it’s not over, by far! As a mother and trainer I want to teach clients that staying in shape is they key to having a longer, healthier life.
What do you consider success?
Doing fitness as my livelihood. I really enjoy it! Having a career that I look forward to doing everyday is success to me. I look forward to training my clients and keeping them healthy.
What is your most favorite part about being a fitness coach..what do you offer your clients?
Changing lives… that’s my favorite part of being a trainer! I get to help clients transform their bodies by eating better and working out consistently (and having them enjoy the workouts too). What I offer clients is my knowledge, with health and nutrition to sculpt their bodies… it’s a lifetime commitment to themselves to keep their bodies’ healthy.
Also, my body is my sport; I wear it all the time and I get to participate in daily workouts and see the results. I am motivated by my clients because I want to look my best as their trainer.
What’s been a real high point in your career or life?
Raising two beautiful, athletic daughters. My desire was to have kids that love sports and I got lucky, they both choose their own sport –Martina 29 years old, plays baseball. I’m so proud of her. She’s an inspiration to women as she’s been the only female in the men’s team from Little League thru college and USA Women’s Baseball World Cup. Allie is an amazing soccer player. From age 6 thru college and she still plays recreational soccer. I’m age 55 and went back to competing in new divisions; I recently placed 3rd in each division at a body building competition about a month ago…and that’s such a high point for my own self.
What are you working on now?
I’m working on competing in the National Masters event in 12 weeks and continuing to work with my clients on fitness/ healthy goals.
What makes you laugh?
Old sitcom TV shows, seeing my kids together talking about old times and coming home to my dog Blaze… I laugh at how happy he is to see me.
Cake, Pie or Ice Cream?
Cake with amazing frosting.
Interested in learning more about Rosa Sementelli?
“I’m a NASM certified personal trainer, massage therapist, and physical therapy aid. My approach is based on thirty years of experience as a fitness instructor, personal trainer, fitness competitor, aquatic trainer, team athletic trainer, and nutritional meal planner.”
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