Jean Trebek

When you care for something it deserves your attention…

Isn’t that what it’s all about?

Life is worth the effort.

– Jean Trebek, insidewink

insidewink’s weekly affirmations:

Positive reminders to encourage, motivate and inspire. Challenge yourself to repeat them, believe in them and eliminate self-sabatoging or negative thoughts.

Karen Drucker artist of the month

Spreading Joy Through Song: Karen Drucker 

Karen Drucker’s motto is “You are seen, you are heard.” Through her varied talents, she creates an openess that is transformative.  She is a singer, a songwriter, an author,  a retreat leader, a comedienne and a self proclaimed “seeker”.  READ IT HERE

How to savor simple pleasures that bring you joy

How To Savor the Simple Pleasures that Bring You Joy

In these challenging times we are experiencing together or apart, many of us have come to an awakening about what is really important. No matter what is happening ‘out there’ one thing we slowly begin to realize it’s the little things in life that give us the most joy. READ IT HERE

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I’m Just Curious

I’m Just Curious

Dove Rose give us ideas on how to stay curious! Keep it Fresh in the Kitchen, on the Drive and in your Life. New ideas to keep our mind alive!

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Jean Trebek
Karen Drucker artist of the month
How to savor simple pleasures that bring you joy
Tips for Hitting the Road with Your Furry Friends
I’m Just Curious
Living Unhoused for a Week: Ken Craft Takes to the Streets
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