Our insidewink team likes to

share the good

So, when we find something we love, we want to share it with you! Our insidewink staff picks of what’s good… Beautiful Handmade Jewelry, All Natural Lip Balm, keeping it clean with Hand Sanitzer and Sports Rebounder Bounce Back Nets!


jean trebek recommends

Caesura Jewelry

A Caesura is a break or a pause in a line of text… and now it is the name of a line of handmade jewelry from our very own Emma Berdie Donson. She has created a few different lines of necklaces, earrings, and bracelets that celebrate the unexpected joys our global pause has made possible. They honor the ability to savor nature and its gifts, the simplicity of creating something by hand, the fun of reconnecting with family and old friends, and the time to come up with the alternate company name: “This Jewelry ROCKS!” I love the one I’m wearing in the photo!

Besides being truly beautiful, Emma is sharing the good by giving 30% of proceeds go to support organizations like End The Backlog and Black Lives Matter.

Check out Caesura here and at @caesurastudio on Instagram and Facebook

What's Good September 2020

Alison Martin recommends

Raw Sugar Natural Lip Balm

My lips have been feeling really dry and so I find that I’ve started licking them! Truth be told, I have to admit it doesn’t make them feel any better! According to Healthline, licking your lips can actually make dryness worse. So I have started regularly using lip balm. And I have fallen in love with RAW SUGAR natural lip balm. My favorite flavor is Pineapple + Maqui Berry + Coconut.

Raw Sugar Living is a great company that we have highlighted before. We love their mission: “Made fresh in SoCal with ColdPressed ingredients, organic extracts, plants and essential oils, our personal care products are clean, earth-friendly and smell oh-so-good! Like, really RAW good!” All their products are so wonderful and, if I do say so myslef, my lips are feeling lovely!

Order from Raw Sugar Living here

What's Good? Arsenal of Clean Hand Sanitizer

Patti Ring Recommends

Arsenal of Clean Hand Sanitizer

Let’s face it, hand sanitizer has become a daily use product for everyone in these crazy times.

When the store shelves were empty and online orders were immediately cancelled due to lack of inventory, I went on a quest to purchase the right hand sanitizer from the right company. Arsenal of Clean Hand Sanitizer is hands down a winner for oh-so-many good reasons.

Manufactured and bottled in the USA by the same good people at The Detroit Bus Company and living by exemplary principals, Arsenal of Clean believes in “people, planet, and then profit—only in that order.” In bottles big and small, their hand sanitizer meets the proper World Health Organization guidelines, doesn’t add harmful ingredients or artificial fragrances and they give back—Bottle for Bottle. In the same way they give back in their Bus Company’s Ride for Ride program, they literally give away to homes in need one bottle of hand sanitizer for every bottle sold through Meals on Wheels Detroit. Keeping it clean and sharing the good!

Arsenal of Clean website
Photo: Arsenal of Clean Facebook Page

What's Good September 2020

Stephen O’Bryan recommends

All Ball Pro Stinger X – Sports Rebounder Bounce Back Net

Any lacrosse parent will tell you that lacrosse is not an inexpensive sport. The All Ball Pro Stinger X Sports rebounder is $799 and is worth every penny. For those of us who don’t have the luxury of a block wall nearby you know, it’s tough to find a place for your kid to wall ball and practice. It’s easy to dismiss the almost $800 price tag but when you think about the cost of repairing broken windows and patching stucco walls it suddenly begins to make sense. For those of you who are wondering why you should buy such an expensive rebounder and not a different brand that is the fraction of the cost, I’ll happily explain it to you.

The All Ball Pro Stinger X is the closes thing to a wall with wheels that you will experience. It returns the ball to you with about 90% of the power that you threw the ball. The other brands do much, much less. You’d also be interested to know that with this rebounder the player throws the ball in a straight line and returns in a straight line which better simulates real-life passing by other human players. You’ll find with the other brands that the lacrosse ball is thrown and received on an arc which is not really game-like training that you want. Other notable tidbits is that the “screen” can be raised and lowered and adjusted to various angles which can create all sorts of training environments. The unit is also “All Weather” and I read it doesn’t need to be covered. I like that because I don’t feel like I need another thing in my life to do.

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I’m Just Curious

I’m Just Curious

Dove Rose give us ideas on how to stay curious! Keep it Fresh in the Kitchen, on the Drive and in your Life. New ideas to keep our mind alive!

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What's Good September 2020
What's Good? Arsenal of Clean Hand Sanitizer
What's Good September 2020
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I’m Just Curious
Living Unhoused for a Week: Ken Craft Takes to the Streets
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