Jean Trebek

We’ve all heard the phrase, “Fear is an illusion” and I intellectually get that that’s true, but boy, those fearful feelings can certainly feel real…real enough to prevent me from truly enjoying life.

Feelings of fear can also seem real enough to make me completely forget the innate power of my Being – to where I allow myself to cower down into a person that I actually don’t want to be.

Rethink Your Feelings of Fear

I get it, experiencing something new, like a new way of being can be challenging at times. We’re comfortable and conditioned in our old ways of thinking, speaking and acting…safe in our comfort zone so to speak.  However, we are all in a new energy now, and I believe that The Universe is seriously persuading us to be more, express more and show up more in an authentically empowered and Life affirming way. Maybe it’s time to rethink your feelings of fear. Think about this..

Fear is a Byproduct of What Other People Think of You.

Does that statement ring true for you? It absolutely did/does for me. Once I became keenly aware of how this phrase was holding me back from expressing and knowing myself in a different and more, let’s say, confident way, I was able to feel the fear and move past it.

The movie, Adaptation gives a powerful remedy to assist in untethering the notion that fear is a byproduct of what other people think of you.  Nicolas Cage’s character says, “You are what you love, not what loves you.”  When I heard that, I thought to myself, that’s it!   Living your life from the inside out, not from the outside in.   That is where all the power lies!

insidewink AFFIRMATIONS: Helping to reboot our thoughts

Facing My Fear

A perfect example of this was when I was asked to give the invocation for a Sunday morning service at church. Part of me was so honored and excited… to be onstage with the head minister, to be seen and heard.  Another part of me felt terrified. Self doubt plagued me…thoughts like, who am I to do this, I’m not ready, there are more seasoned speaking practitioners and, of course, what will they think of me?

Then I remembered the quote, “You are what you love, not what loves you.”  What I love is actually to share my wisdom, bring hope, joy, inspire and trust that my words are of benefit to those who have the ears to hear.

Embracing the Truth

On that day, I realized that being seen and heard is “being” Love… and that giving and receiving are actually the same. I had to let go of wondering how my invocation would be received and what the audience would think of me.

I trusted in the fact that I am enough…and that the Love within me is the real power and that fear is an illusion.

Five Practices to Ease Transitional Anxiety by Jean Trebek,

Transitional Events Can Be Filled With Feelings of Anxiety

Even a happy occasion like a wedding can produce feelings of grief and worry.
READ: 5 Practices to Ease Anxiety Here


Jean is a Professional Religious Science Practitioner, Reiki Master and Sound Healer. She grew up on Long Island, NY, and now lives in Los Angeles. She has two wonderful adult children, Matthew and Emily, with her beloved late husband, Alex.  Jean enjoys taking long walks, watching movies, and traveling. She is very grateful for her family, friends, Luna (the dog) and good coffee.

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Jean Trebek
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