Happy headlines to start your day. Uplifting, funny and inspirational feel-good news stories to make you smile.
Who doesn’t like rugby?
Right near the Artic Pole, there is a great game of catch between a Beluga whale and a group of South African rugby fans using an official 2019 Rugby World Cup ball. SCOOOOOORRRREEEEEE!

An important letter
Principal writes the tooth fairy and explains a missing tooth
A first grader at Gillett Elementary School in Wisconsin, lost a tooth on the playground. Worried that the tooth fairy would pass him by, he went to Principal Curt Angeli. Principal Angeli realized the importance of the situation, grabbed some official school letterhead and wrote to the tooth fairy explaining the predicament, actually vouching for the boy and the gap in his front teeth. Principal Angeli told FOX TV , “I figured I would make it look as official as possible, in case the Tooth Fairy was suspicious.” Happily, the boy received a new $1.00 bill from the tooth fairy! (It’s interesting that the principal has the word “angel” in his last name.)

Good thinking
14 year-old solves the problem of car blind spots
Alaina Glasser from West Grove, Pennsylvania designed a way to eliminate blind spots caused by the pillar that supports the windshield. Using a webcam, a projector and reflective material, the fourteen year old figured out that you can display the images that are behind the pillar, right onto the pillar. The design won Alaina the $25,000 Samueli Foundation Prize for her design. Alaina told CNN, “When I did research, I found out that there are more than 840,000 blind spot related car accidents per year just in the US, which made this project significantly more important to me”.
Gustaff meets a Tennis ball
We know it’s another mammal with a ball… but really… when’s the last time you felt this curiuous or happy? You have got to watch this!
now get out there and make it a great day!
“Goodness, is the only investment that never fails.”
–Henry David Thoreau
In case you missed it
Happy Headlines for November
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Tips for Hitting the Road with Your Furry Friends
Part 1 of Kathlene McGovern’s 2 part series on the best and safest ways to travel with your furry friends!
I’m Just Curious
Dove Rose give us ideas on how to stay curious! Keep it Fresh in the Kitchen, on the Drive and in your Life. New ideas to keep our mind alive!
Living Unhoused for a Week: Ken Craft Takes to the Streets
Ken Craft of Hope of the Valley lives unhoused on the streets of the San Fernando Valley for 100 hours and shares the challenges, insights and struggles he faced on this journey.