Michael and The Wayward Boys produced music in Los Angeles to inspire and be inspired. Here is an insight into what makes him tick:

Who or what inspires you?

The Beatles! They changed the world forever. It’s like Camelot. It’s actually super weird, and not in a Kayne sort of way. Apart from the amazing music, what happened to them was random. If you’re an obsessed geek like me and watch every documentary and read every book, there really was no plan. How everything eventually lined up is fascinating. Different time, same place. Look into it.

What do you love about Los Angeles?

I love how Los Angeles is a vortex for dreamers and freaks. If you’re compelled to live out your creative dreams, your tribe is here waiting for you. People grinding it out with their imagination and courage. Finding a new perspective is around every corner and every moment. The Hispanic culture is amazing too. After all, this used to be Mexico.

What is your favorite saying or your personal motto?

You move on by putting your shoes on.

What’s been a real high-point in your career or life?

I was hired to play electric guitar with a tween pop act. We played in front of screaming tweens in 20,000 seat arenas. It certainly wasn’t my preferred music or culture, I’m not the demographic. Despite that, when they turned out the lights and the tweenies went mad, the guitar tech lit my way in the dark to the stage and I plugged in. All the textures, sights, sounds and feelings of being a rock star were there. Disney version of Almost Famous, but still a thrill.

Pie, cake, or ice cream?

Ice cream.

Want to see more of Michael McCarthy Presents? Check him out on YouTube, Instagram and Facebook

Video by Jeanette Dubois and Trish Geiger

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